Friday, June 29, 2018

Junk Drawer Organization for $3!!

Howdy boys and girls!  I am in a great mood you want to know why? 

That's messy junk drawer. 

I have been feeling so lost on my organizing journey lately.  I opened this drawer looking for a screwdriver (do you see any?  There were 6 in there.  Insert eye roll here.)  I had a plan to get this organized and today was the day. 

It's a nice small project that only took about 15 minutes and $3.  Can you believe it??  Why do I put these things off?  This was just what I needed to get myself back on the right path.

I started by emptying the entire drawer.  (actually I started by putting the dry dishes away so I had room on the countertop.  We need to get  moving on the kitchen update, but that's a story for another day)

Next I went though everything and organized into piles.  Pens with pens, batteries with batteries, etc.

Then, I tried out different configurations in the drawer. 

This one was good, but i didn't like that little space above the right wire basket.

I really liked this layout, however the small amount of space in the back of the drawer would be totally wasted. 

This is what I went with.  No weird spaces and enough bins to hold all my stuff. 

After pulling all the garbage out, I got rid of the things that don't need to be in this drawer...

Not too much! 

Extra tape and rubber bands should both be in the office.  Electrical tape and box cutters should be in the basement, and watch batteries should be in my jewelry box. 

How did all these things end up here?

Once I got rid of all those (and all the expired coupons) I put the organized groups into the bins.  The final layout was perfect for what was left. 

I put the bins back in the drawer and tada!  This was what we had

So much better!  Now I can easily find screwdrivers...and pens and tape!

I am so happy with how this is working for us now. 

Have you done any organizing lately?  How did it turn out?  I would love to hear about it!




  1. I seriously need to hire you to come organize our closets!! ❤️

    1. Anytime!! I only charge a plate of Dave's curry and all the niece and nephew love I can get!
