Friday, February 7, 2020

2020 Reading

I'm weird when it comes to reading...

Let me back up.  I love to read.

Like, truly LOVE IT!!

If I could read all day every day I would.

But I'm weird in that I am always reading more than one book at a time.  Right now I have 3 going.  (4 if you count business books...which I don't.  Super boring)

I keep one in my car that I read on my lunch break.  Or if I get to an appointment early.

I keep one in the living room that I read when I'm not interested in what is on TV.

and I keep one on my nightstand that I read before I fall asleep.

I usually have read at least one of them before.  So I don't get too confused.  Also, they are all different genre's.

Right now I am reading Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates on my lunch breaks.  It's not really my favorite, but I got it out of the free bin at 2nd and Charles.  So I figured I would give it a chance.  So far it is just pretty sad. 

Unsweetined by Jodie Sweetin in the living room.  I just stared this one.  I like it so far.  I'm a fan of memoirs.  Mostly because I'm nosy and want to know about peoples lives. :)

The black dagger brotherhood's Lover Enshrined by JR Ward on my nightstand.  This is such a great series.  You really feel like you know all the characters.  I would definitely recommend it if you like smut novels.

What are you reading?  I am always on the lookout for new recommendations!



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